Unconscionable meaning. Excessive unreasonable found an unconscionable number of defects in the car. To make people feel shame or guilt for being sick is unconscionable. After waiting for an unconscionable amount of time we were told to come back later. This unconscionable policy will cause great suffering.
Unacceptably great in amount. Shockingly unfair or unjust unconscionable sales practices. Not guided or controlled by conscience. Criminal unethical amoral unprincipled unfair unjust he calls the reductions an unconscionable threat to public safety.
To make people feel shame or guilt for being ill is unconscionable. Wanton excessive unjust unreasonable unfair outrageous uncivilized barbarous preposterous unethical criminal dishonest exorbitant extravagant extreme inordinate knavish sneaky undue ungodly. Unacceptably great in amount. Literary.
Speech that it would be unconscionable for a democratic society to suppress. Words related to unconscionable. After waiting for an unconscionable amount of time we were told to come back later. Excessive outrageous unreasonable extreme extravagant preposterous exorbitant inordinate immoderate some child care centres were charging unconscionable fees.
Synonyms and related words.