How to download scp 3008 game. Scp 3008 is a game based on the scp story with the same title. 2133 3 months ago. The download will be handled by a 3rd party download manager that provides an easier and safer download and installation of scp 3008. Scp 3008 lone survivor version.
330 am at floaters cemetery by davemicrowavesgames 173 followers. Explore the ekia store build a base out of furniture eat some meatballs and try to survive the attacks of the mutated staff. Once inside you find yourself translocated to scp 3008 1 a large warehouse with no exit in sight. Scp 3008 is a vsharena map based off of the cursed retail unit scp 3008.
You download the files free or paid and have the folder on your computer. Hover your mouse over the folder and extract all files and then go into the folder click on the scp 3008 folder and click on the logo of the game. How to download scp 3008 1. Click on the download game button.
Scp 3008 lone survivor by romakobelev atromakobelev.