Fervently praying definition. The term fervent prayer comes from james 516 in the king james version. Prayer in itself is aligning and communing with god the creator but delving into a prayer of deep fervor remarkably changes. The word fervent means to have intense feeling and enthusiasm for something. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much where the greek is.
In other words the result of effectual prayer is not what availeth much but prayer that availeth much is effectual then there is the word fervent in there. James is making the point that praying with passion and intensity is an important part of seeing our prayers answered we are not to just simply go through the motions of prayer. He only can truly pray who is all aglow for holiness for god and for heaven2. Becoming fervent or zealous in prayer is a maturing process many preschool aged children have been introduced to prayer by simple poems either thanking god for the food theyre going to eat or by asking him for a good nights sleep.
Fervent definition having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit feeling enthusiasm etc. The verse as translated in the king james version seems to indicate that a passionate wholehearted prayer will accomplish much implying that a half hearted prayer will not be as effective. We probably wouldnt describe those prayers as fervent. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
The power of fervent prayer fireseeds of spiritual awakening 1 minute read prayer has always been the precursor to revival. In a way that shows. A soul devoted to god is a fervent soul and prayer is the creature of that flame. The english word fervent simply means impassioned forceful passionate heartfelt powerful or wholehearted.
If we commit ourselves to prayer there is no limit to what we can see god do. Fervent prayer is a deep focused and passion filled petition to god. Literally the etymology of that word is boiling hot glowing figuratively it means violent impetuous furious.