Facebook login code. With a security code from your code generator. In the bottom left then click text me a login code and wait for the text to come in. Click on text me a login code and facebook will send a six digit number that will show up both on your smartphone and in messages. By tapping your security key on a compatible device.
This changes every time you send it of course so it wont help you hack my facebook account. Code generator is a security feature for your facebook app used with two factor authentication. You may need to re enter your password. Next to recovery codes click setup then get codes.
In particular see the following case study. Skyscanner 100 increase in facebook login conversions. If youre having trouble logging into your facebook account review these tips first. Select settings privacy settings.
Log into facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends family and people you know. Facebook 2 step verification authentication problem solve facebook login approval code not received facebook 2 step verification lost phone facebook code generator codes facebook login code. From the screen asking you for the login code select need another way to authenticate. Udacity training for facebook login and account kit.
You can also let facebook call you. You can use a six digit text message sms code sent to your mobile phone. If you turn on login approvals youll be asked to enter a special security code each time you try to access your facebook account from a new computer mobile phone or browser. Learn how implementing facebook login in apps has improved login rates and enhanced customer experience.
Click security and login. Under the two factor authentication section click use two factor authentication. When you turn it on your phone will generate a special security code that you can use to authenticate your login attempt on another computer or mobile device. Login approvals are a security feature similar to login alerts but with an extra security step.